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#YoungMoney is a fun and highly interactive series of workshop designed to teach high school and college level students the fundamentals of Credit, Savings, Investing, Student Loans, Money Management as well as Salary Negotiation. Workshops involve extreme participant interaction and can be executed as a complete full day workshop or as stand alone workshops.

C.R.E.A.M. = CREDIT Rules Everything Around Me

This workshop teaches the fundamentals, terminology used and strategies for establishing, building and maintain “good” credit.

Time: 60 – 90 minutes

Reinforcement Game: Loan Sharks™ (modeled after the popular TV Show Shark Tank)

SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To):

  • Understand the concept of Credit and Loans
  • Understand who looks at and uses Credit
  • Understand how and why Credit is used
  • Understand the 3 Major Credit Reporting Agencies
  • Understand what information IS and Is NOT on Credit Reports
  • Understand who calculates Credit Scores and how they are Calculated
  • Understand the Cost of Good vs. Bad Credit
  • Understand what Lenders look for on Credit Reports
  • Retrieve and review their Credit Reports

Workshop Description

Think CASH is King? Seems like everyone is looking at Credit to provide products and services to consumers, not just Lenders. Have fun learning about Credit, Credit Reports, Credit Scores, as well as how to establish, build and maintain good credit, with the best reinforcement game ever played called “Loan Shark™”! Join the party to understand why “CREDIT Rules Everything Around Me/(YOU)” (CREAM)!

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

This workshop teaches the fundamentals, terminology and strategies used for Saving and Investing.

Time: 60 – 90 minutes

Reinforcement Game: Financial Feud (modeled after the popular Game Show Family Feud)

SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To):

  • Understand the difference between Saving and Investing
  • Understand banking terminology used for Savings and Investing
  • Understand strategies for Saving and Investing
  • Understand the Rule of 72
  • Understand how Compound Interest works For and Against Consumers
  • Understand how to start Saving and Investing

Workshop Description

Who wants to be a Millionaire? Have fun learning the fundamentals of Savings and how to start Investing. The secret to being a Millionaire is simple Math. Join us to learn the Equation to Wealth, with the fun reinforcement game called “Financial Feud!” Get you team together and join us!

Slay Sallie Mae

This workshop teaches the fundamentals, terminology and options regarding Student Loans, as well as Repayment strategies. This workshop 30 – 60 minutes of lesson and a 30 minute Reinforcement Game, called Save Me Sallie Mae.

SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To):


The Art of Salary Negotiation

This workshop teaches the fundamentals and strategies of salary negotiating for the first career job after college.

Time: 60 – 90 minutes

Reinforcement Game: You’re HIRED! (gives the participants the opportunity to negotiate a salary based on what they have learned)

SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To):

  • Understand the process of the Job and Salary Offer
  • Understand the possible Job Benefits available
  • Understand the Art of the Ask (for more money or benefits)
  • Understand how to Overcome Objections
  • Understand how to determine what is More Important
  • Understand when, why and how to Reject a Job or Salary Offer