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It’s a great time to go after bargains.
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The funny thing about Costco is that some people absolutely love shopping there, while others dread the idea of trekking out to their local warehouse club store. And it’s easy to see why.
Shopping at Costco can be an overwhelming experience. The stores are huge, the selection is vast, and, at times, the lines at the checkout area can be lengthy. And so if Costco is the type of store that only hits your rotation every so often, you may not be so motivated to visit in the coming weeks.
But if you’ve pledged to spend less money in 2023, then it’s a good idea to get into the habit of shopping at Costco more regularly. And it pays to visit Costco in January, when you may be particularly mindful of how much you’re spending.
An easy way to save
Maybe your nearest Costco store isn’t as conveniently located as your go-to supermarket. Or maybe you have a Costco three miles down the road, but you just don’t love shopping there. Either way, if one of your main New Year’s resolutions for 2023 is to spend less and add more money to your savings account, then working Costco into your shopping routine could help you achieve it.
Costco is known for its low prices on everything from shelf-stable groceries to dairy products to produce to paper goods. And if you tend to go through cleaning products and toiletries quickly, stocking up at Costco could leave you with a lower credit card tab.
Meanwhile, January is when a lot of people tend to pay more attention to what their various bills cost them (it’s all part of that “spend less, save more” mentality). So if you do some shopping at Costco this month and then compare your bills to those you rack up at your local supermarket and big-box stores, you may realize just how beneficial it is to make a Costco run more frequently.
Shop mindfully
Even though Costco offers a world of bargains for members, it’s still important to take a strategic approach to shopping there. For one thing, assess your storage capacity before heading out on a shopping run. You might find your favorite frozen and dairy products at an ultra low price, but that won’t do you much good if you don’t have room in your freezer or fridge.
Also, do your best to plan out your meals so you end up buying the right food items. This is an especially important thing to do when it comes to perishables. If you buy a giant sack of rice, chances are, it’ll still be fine six months down the line as long as you store it properly once opened. But don’t expect to buy shredded cheese in January and have it still be edible come July.
Finally, make sure to avoid impulse purchases at Costco, as those could negate any money you’re saving. You may want to stick to the aisles that house items on your shopping list.
Just because you’re a Costco member doesn’t mean you have to shop there every week. But it could pay to visit Costco in January and see what positive impact it might have on your 2023 finances.
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The Ascent does not cover all offers on the market. Editorial content from The Ascent is separate from The Motley Fool editorial content and is created by a different analyst team.Maurie Backman has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Costco Wholesale. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.