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For media inquiries, contact Velecia Williams at VA@madammoney.com. For time sensitive media requests, call (404) 852-6295.




FOX 5 ATLANTA11/4/2019: I-Team: Talking the Same Financial Language with Your Partner

AL JAZEERA INTERNATIONAL 8/6/2019: “US Cries Currency Manipulator, China Blinks and Markets Rebound Overnight!”

AL JAZEERA ENGLISH 8/5/2019: “Trade Dispute Intensifies as US Again Threatens Tariffs”

FOX 5 ATLANTA: “Financial Fornication”: Means to Get Your Talking About Money

FOX 5 ATLANTA: “Mental Health And Your Money”

BLACK ENTERPRISE: “Your Money Your Life” Podcast Interview

Unlock Your Wealth TV

Al Jazeera News: Comcast Wins Bid Over 21st Century Fox for Sky

Rickey Smiley Morning Show

Madam Money Class




American Urban Radio Networks (AURN) – Money Matters Wealthy Thinking Podcast

House Of FI Podcast – Interview

Money Savage Podcast – Interview

Stacking Benjamins Podcast – Interview

Unlock Your Wealth Radio – Interview





Madam Money’s Financial Blog

Black Enterprise – Contributing Writer

Upscale Magazine – Contributing Writer

Fox 5 Atlanta – A Few Ways to Trick Yourself Into Saving Money



MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (MASSMUTUAL):  African Americans Believe In The American Dream Although Their Finances Are A Struggle In Reality

TOCO WARRANTY: Finance Expert Tarra Jackson and Family & Lifestyle Influencers Stacey Garska Rodrigues and Kimberly Stroh join Toco Warranty as Brand Ambassadors