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You may not think you need pet insurance. Read on for my story of how pet insurance could have saved me, and what I’m doing now. [[{“value”:”
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As a dog owner, this year was rough. I said goodbye to two of my seniors after a valiant battle with the ravages of time. It was a fight I knew I’d never win, but also one that I went into without the armor I really needed — namely, pet insurance.
I didn’t have coverage because when they were young, it felt like pet insurance wasn’t the right choice, and when they were older and I looked into it, they’d already developed so many chronic conditions that it seemed like it wasn’t really worth covering the what-ifs that were unlikely to occur at that point.
So, last winter, when we hit a really rough patch with their health, it nearly broke me. Both financially and emotionally, if we’re being honest here.
What it costs to skip pet insurance
All told, Paul and Jasmine cost me something in the neighborhood of $5,000 in their last year on this Earth. Between diagnostics, medications, special diets, more diagnostics, new issues, and their eventual euthanasia and cremations, the bills just never stopped.
But if I had gotten them pet insurance before Jasmine’s cancer diagnosis in 2022 or Paul’s many heart issues in 2023, it could have been a lot different. I re-quoted those insurance premium prices with my carrier, Spot Pet Insurance, for this story, and for $5,000 worth of yearly coverage each, with a $250 deductible and a 80% reimbursement, I’d have been out $115 for Jasmine and $85 for Paul each month.
To put that differently, with even a less than top tier plan, it would have taken two years to spend enough on insurance to even come close to what I spent in cash during their last six months. I would have been miles and miles ahead.
If you’ve been considering pet insurance, check out our curated list of pet insurance providers, including Spot, that provide great coverage and service for pet lovers like all of us.
What I’m doing now with my pets’ insurance coverage
Since having that horrific experience, I’ve somehow managed to be owned by two little boy kittens by the names of Melvin and Oscar. They’re in great health, they’re both about five months old, and they’ve got pet insurance. And they won’t ever go without it, because I learned the hard way that this is nothing to mess around with.
I was very skeptical about the whole process, and my brain kept telling me that if I was paying for everything upfront, there was no point in waiting for a reimbursement, because I’d never be able to pay for the really bad stuff out of pocket anyway. But that’s never how it really goes.
Jasmine and Paul’s illnesses nearly nickel-and-dimed my finances to death. I’ve never worked so much as I did in those cancer years of Jasmine’s. And I am not going to go through all of that again with the boy kittens, however long they live.
So far, my Spot Pet Insurance plan has paid remarkably well, even if it took a little back and forth with its phone reps to figure out how to get the best results from my claims. It’s always kind of nice to see that money go back into my account, especially right now when the boys are going through their baby shots and neuter surgeries and microchips.
I opted for additional coverage that will help pay for wellness exams, simply to make their medical costs more of a flat monthly expense, rather than an ongoing rollercoaster, and it’s great how one will go in for shots and I’ll get my refund from Spot just in time for the other to do his own round.
Pet insurance can save your life or the life of someone you love
There’s no joking around about the amount of stress having an end-of-life pet can cause, especially when it’s something as slow moving as Jasmine’s cancer was. Every day is an absolute pressure cooker. Every day is medications, vitals checks, so many calls to the vet, and concerns about how to pay for all of this care.
In fact, there was a point where I almost had to take out a personal loan. It’s a good thing we actually maintain a list of personal loans for paying off big surprise expenses. This job can be pretty handy at times.
If fellow pet owners take nothing else from my experience this year, though, let it be this: Get the pet insurance. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s worth it. Get it while they’re young and healthy, get it before you hit something that will be forever pre-existing, and pay for it religiously.
It may save their lives, and it will absolutely save your sanity when you’re in the thick of it.
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