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In case you didn’t know … #WOMENSWEALTH ROCKS!!!

After a great first day at FinCon, I attended Fidelity’s Women and Money event hosted by Tonya Rapley MyFabFinance.com and Melanie Lockert DearDebt.com. It was a delicious dinner on a yacht filled with wonderful and brilliant women in the financial literacy industry. We connected, shared money tips for women, laughed and celebrated each other.

A few of my take-aways from the dinner event were:

Put Your Oxygen Mask On First

img_20160922_220743Most women give so much of themselves to everyone around them that they forget or neglect Giving Back to the Giver. There is a reason why the first instruction when we fly a plane is to “put your oxygen mask on first.” Taking care of ourselves is crucial. As women, we must allow ourselves time to rejuvenate, repair and replenish our mind, body, and soul so we can continue to give our blessings to the world.

Fail Forward

Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche reminded us that failure is not final, rather a step closer to success. She gave an impressive example of how we were taught to ride a bike. When we started riding a two-wheeler, we fell a few times, but that didn’t stop us. We kept trying until we rode that two-wheeler with no help and didn’t fall. She explained that it is strange that people are so afraid to fail when it comes to money. Just like learning to ride a bike, falling off our budget, credit or investments is not final. We should Fail Forward, learn from our mistakes and keep working towards financial success! Let’s have some Fun Failing Forward!

We Lose When We Don’t Ask

Tara Wacks of About.com explained that one of the reasons why women don’t get the same pay or benefits as men is because “Women don’t ask.” Tara and other ladies shared why it is so important for women to ASK for more. Even if we think the answer will be “No,” the answer will always be “NO” if we never ASK! So ask for that raise, that promotion, etc. Just ASK! Check out Tara’s new movements TheBalance.com and Shift.TheBalance.com. They give Women the tools needed to ASK!

You are Your Best Investment

img_20160922_220932We were asked to share our best investment. A resounding response from ladies was that investing in themselves was their best investment and had the biggest return. I was one of them and agree. I shared that my best investment, other than attending my first FinCon, was my investment in self-publishing my first book, Financial Fornication. When we invest in ourselves, there are no losses, and we do get the biggest return!

“F” That!

A lovely woman of wealth Emily Guy Birken, author of “The 5 Years Before You Retire,” stood up proudly and shared her final tip for the women at the event. She eloquently shared, “F THAT!!!” People are going to be upset if you stand your ground, be a savvy business woman, ask for what you deserve and don’t take people’s S#IT! So “F” That! Do YOU! It’s your life and your wealth. Don’t let anyone that is not going to positively contribute to your success control your actions and intimidate you from doing YOU!

There was so much more information shared at the Women and Money Event. The bond that was made at this event will last a lifetime. I encourage women to connect, collaborate and continue to kick A$$ because #WomensWealth Rocks!!!

This post was proofread by Grammarly

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