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As a mother, I love the attention I get on Mother’s Day. The flowers, dinners, and gifts are awesome! However, like most mother’s, I need help and time off to recharge. So, this year along with the traditional Mother’s Day flowers and crowded restaurants, here are few gift suggestions from actual Mothers!

Cold Hard CASH!

If you your mother is like my mother, instead of an expensive gift, she will opt for the cash in her hand or bank account. Some pretty flowers and a sentimental or fun card with CASH falling out is always an awesome surprise for Moms. This allows the Super Mom to buy something she really wants or replenish her savings account.

Pay A Bill

While in the car with one of my friends, she received a call from her adult daughter. She didn’t have the call on speakerphone, but I heard the entire conversation.

Her daughter said to her, “Mommy, I love you so much. I am so sorry that I won’t be in town for Mother’s Day. But this year, I want to give you something special. I am going to pay your mortgage payment for the month of May.”

My friend gasped in excited and lovingly accepted her daughter’s generous gift.

Now, you may not be able to pay your mother’s mortgage or rent for the month, but offering to Pay A Bill for your mother will free up her money for the month to do something special for herself.

Mommy Duty Vacation

My sister is the ultimate Super Woman. She is a wife, a mother, has a job and is also does speaking engagements as a side hustle. Since her husband broke his knee, she is the chauffeur, chef, cleaning lady, nurse, tutor, nurturer, disciplinarian, etc. … and that is just at home.

In her exhaustion, she shared “If I had someone that could just relieve me of my Mommy Duties for a day or two, I could get some sleep and recharge.”

So, if you know a Mom that is also on the go for her family, gift her one or a few days off of Mommy Duty. You can even create coupons for Mommy Night Out or Mommy Sleep In Babysitting Duty, Kid’s Activities Chauffer, Cook for the Family, Cleaning the House (The Mommy Way), etc.

House Cleaning Service

One of the most time-consuming tasks is cleaning the house. Even with help from the family through chores assigned or the #HoneyDo list, sometimes moms get the awesome opportunity (insert sarcasm) of going behind everyone to actually clean (The Mommy Way).

Karen from FB shares, “I love my family. But cleaning the house takes up so much of my time and I’m already exhausted. I would love to have maid service just once so I could relax.”

Hiring a House Cleaning Service to do a thorough cleaning of the house may be the best Mother’s Day gift ever! Just make sure you ask your mom if it’s ok first. You know how some of us moms are with strangers in the house.

Food Delivery Service for Week

After a long day of being Super Woman, cooking dinner for the family or just for herself can be an exhausting task. Instead of mom spending money on fast food or eating out, surprise her with a Dinner Delivery Service, like MagicKitchen.com, for a week.

“It so easy to hit the fast food places to take the family out to eat after a long day.” Shares Trina from FB. “If the food was already prepped and I could pop it in the microwave or oven for a few minutes would be a life and money saver!”

Of if the mom just loves to cook, gift her a grocery delivery service membership, like Shipt. Mom can use that extra time, from not having to go grocery shopping or meal prepping, to enjoy a much deserved and probably needed rest and relaxation.

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