Never Argue About Money Again!

Are financial fights and money misunderstandings causing havoc in your marriage or relationship? Are cash conflicts creating a hostile environment in your household?
4 Financial Languages provides easy and practical ways to effectively communicate with anyone about money.

What They Are Saying About “4 Financial Languages!”

This book is a MUST read for couples who are serious about strengthening their relationships by creating financial peace and blessings in all facets of their lives.

Ash "Cash" ExantusThe Financial Motivator

There's nothing like couples finishing rich together! In order to do so, couples must be on the same financial page. In 4 Financial Languages, Tarra shares how our financial languages have an impact on our relationships. She provides a unique approach to understanding how we communicate about money. A fascinating concept!

Dr. Cozette M. WhiteAdvisory Accountant & Tax Expert

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What is Your Financial Language?


Financial security is usually the primary concern of people who speak the dominant language of Saving. Savers primarily save money because they like to see their money grow like a strong tree.


Spending deals directly with the pleasure principle. Whether the spending is for someone else or themselves, Spenders find ultimate pleasure in spending money, usually on stuff.


Those who speak Investing take relative risks and enjoy watching their money grow as well. They like to invest in the stock market, retirement, business opportunities, education or other people.


Philanthropists at heart, the language of Giving is an expression of love for Givers. They give their time, money, resources, etc. to help those in need. because they can.

about the author

Tarra Jackson, aka Madam Money, is the author of best-selling book, “Financial Fornication.” She is a popular Personal Finance Expert, TV & Radio Personality, Financial Contributor, and Animated Speaker. Tarra is also a contributing writer for Black Enterprise and Upscale Magazines. Tarra inspires her audience to have more pleasurable and enjoyable relationships with their finances.